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Tagging your Repository

If you only need to manage the tags on your repository, Uplift has you covered.

uplift tag

If you don't want the v prefix, no problem; remove it by using the --strip-prefix flag.

Annotated Tags


Lightweight tags are created by default, equivalent to running git tag against your repository. If you need something heavier, such as an annotated tag, modify your configuration file:

# .uplift.yml

annotatedTags: true

Prerelease Support


Uplift has early support for tagging a repository with prerelease metadata. You will need to calculate this upfront.

uplift tag --prerelease beta.1+20220930

If you need Uplift to ignore any existing prerelease metadata when calculating the next semantic version, you must include the --ignore-existing-prerelease flag:

uplift tag --prerelease beta.1+20221006 --ignore-existing-prerelease