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Git Repository is in a Dirty State

Uplift can't run against a git repository with unstaged or uncommitted files, typically known as a dirty state. If detected, Uplift will report the following error:

uplift cannot reliably run if the repository is in a dirty state. Changes detected:
?? coverage.out

Please check and resolve the status of these files before retrying. For further
details visit:

How to fix it

You can resolve this error in one of two ways.

Use a .gitignore file

Add or modify an existing .gitignore file to ignore the offending files listed in the error message.

Adapt your CI

  • Ensure no tracked files are unexpectedly modified
  • Prevent the creation of temporary files. If this isn't possible, you can fall back to using a .gitignore file.

use includeArtifacts

Defines a list of files that uplift will ignore when checking the status of the current repository. If a change is detected that is not defined in this list, uplift will assume its default behaviour and fail due to the repository being in a dirty state.

An example usecase is if a file has been generated as part of your release e.g. software bill of materials which you wish to include in your versioning.

  - file.txt
  - path/to/file.txt